Thursday, January 6, 2011

Coming Soon.................

I'm currently collaborating with a talented artist friend in Arizona on a children's book starring the lovable scamp of an omnivore you see in the picture. Now I know what are thinking: "What? Pick a genre and lasso that badass to the ground, flip it over and hogtie it until it cries Daddy." Well, GFYS genre box. I won't be caged.

Hopeful release for consumption Dec/11.

Enjoy your day. Except for you genre box. Punk.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Snare Trap

Can you love a liar? Can you look past her faults, the clever sidesteps around honesty, and build a life on a foundation of deceit? Can I? That’s a question I’m confronted with as a stranger’s wrinkled, green face watches blood wash from my hands and swirl pink down the drain.

My name is Marshall Graham. With my best friend in tow I’ve flown across the country to a strange city filled with stranger people. Fueled by desperation and exasperation, longing for a world promised to me but never realized, I'll risk everything to confront a woman, a digital specter of my affection and see if she returns my feelings.

In a few minutes I’ll leave this room, this foxhole stinking of stale beer and vomit and bad perfume, and continue a quest where sanity and survival aren't guaranteed. This is my story of love waged in the new millennium, my attempt to connect in a world defined by its disconnectedness. And the ink isn’t dry yet.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Dark Horse Days and White Knights

New Rostrum is a mid-sized, Atlantic port city, unremarkable in its industry or wealth. The rich are filthy rich, the poor miserably poor, everyone else floating in the soup of mediocrity in between. But one death will affect the future of all, will pick them up like dice and toss them out in a game of social Yahtzee.

Steve Monroe and Robert Warner are from different generations, different lives. For a short time they will be linked by their loyalty to powerful superiors, by their own ambitions, and the morally ambiguous duties they must undertake as rival campaign managers in the wackiest civic election in New Rostrum history.